Operating Systems

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Operating Systems by Mind Map: Operating Systems

1. Operating System Definition

1.1. software that controls the execution of computer programs and may provide various services

1.2. Sources: http://wordnetweb.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=operating%20system

2. Windows 7

2.1. Pros:security stronger than vista, you get better control of your devices

2.2. Cons: may not work on every computer, some systems require XP to run

2.3. Sources:http://www.windowssecrets.com/2009/10/22/01-The-pros-and-cons-of-switching-to-Windows-7

3. Linux: Ubuntu

3.1. Pros: Ubuntu is free of charge, Ubuntu ships wireless drivers by default

3.2. Cons:While there are a very limited number of proprietary software vendors (such as Oracle), their offers are usually target only the server and have no implications for the workstation.

3.3. Sources: http://learn.clemsonlinux.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Pros_Cons

4. Google: Chromium

5. Apple, OS X

5.1. Pros: increased speed when on internet and multitasking, the option to assign applications to specific spaces makes

5.2. Cons: system freezing sometimes occurs when USB devices are hot-plugged into the computer, people have experienced problems with printers and scanners not working correctly

5.3. Sources: http://homepage.mac.com/cjrtools/ebooks/articles/leopard-pros-cons.html