Chapter 11+12: Waves and Sound

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Chapter 11+12: Waves and Sound by Mind Map: Chapter 11+12: Waves and Sound

1. Wave: disturbance that travels away from its source

1.1. Transverse (S)

1.1.1. Perpendicular

1.1.2. Ex: Seismic

1.2. Longitudinal (P)

1.2.1. Parallel

1.2.2. Ex: Seismic, sound

2. Standing Wave

2.1. One wave is reflected and interferes with incident wave

2.2. Anti-Node: halfway in between nodes

2.3. Node:Halfway between points of max. amplitude

2.4. Fundamental Frequency: lowest freq. standing wave

3. Sound Wave

3.1. Uniform distribution of molecules is disturbed

4. Frequencies of sound wave

4.1. Audible range: 20Hz-20kHz

4.2. Infrasound: below 20Hz

4.3. Ultrasound: abover 20kHz

4.4. audible range varies with animals

5. Speed of sound wave

5.1. Square root of Frequency/linear mass density

5.2. Increases .606m/s per each degree C increase

5.3. Speed of sound at room temp (293K): 343 m/s

5.4. Intertia: characterized by mas density

5.5. Speed of sound at 273K: 331 m/s

6. Amplitude + Intensity of Sound wave

6.1. Pressure Amplitude

6.1.1. Pressure fluctuation above/below pressure in absense of wave

6.2. Displacement Amplitude

6.2.1. mas. displacement of an element of medium from equilibrium

6.3. Intensity is proportional to amplitude squared

6.4. Threshold of hearing:reference intensity with intensity level

6.4.1. 1E-12 W/m2

6.5. Intensity increase of a factor of 10; 10dB added

6.6. Intensity Unit: decibels

7. Standing sound waves

7.1. Pipe closed at one end

7.1.1. Wavelength: 4L/n

7.1.2. Closed end: pressure antinode + displacement node

7.2. Pipe open at both ends

7.2.1. Same boundary condition at each end

7.2.2. Wavelength:2L/n

7.2.3. Open ends: pressure nodes + displacement antinodes

8. Timbre/Tone Quality

8.1. Harmonics:fundamental and overtones

8.2. Overtone: frequencies that are not the fundamental

9. Intensity: measure of power/unit

9.1. decreases as the distance from source increases

10. Periodic Wave

10.1. Frequency: Occurence of pattern repeating

10.1.1. Inverse of period

10.2. Repeats the same pattern

10.3. Period: time is takes for one wave

10.4. Amplitude: height of wave

10.5. Wavelength:distance of wave travel

11. Additional Wave Properties

11.1. Reflection of waves: ave with an abrupt boundary between mediums

11.2. Refraction: Change in propagation direction

11.3. Compression: waves are bunched

11.4. Rarefaction: Waves are spread

12. Multiple Waves

12.1. Interference

12.1.1. Destructive: waves 180 degrees out of phase

12.1.2. Constructive: waves in phase of eachother

12.2. Incoherent: phase relationship varies randomly

12.3. Coherent: same frequency and fixed phase

13. Main Properties:

13.1. mass density increases=decrease in speed

13.2. Increase in tension=increase in speed