Emilys Mind Map

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Emilys Mind Map by Mind Map: Emilys Mind Map

1. Climax Communities

1.1. The final stage in ecological succession, in which a constant enviroment is reached.

2. J - Curve

2.1. Hits its' carrying capacity and it increases causing a population "explosion" and competition for resources.

3. Non-renewable Resources

3.1. Any material or energy source that cannot be replaced within a human life span. (oil, metals, plastic)

4. Renewable Resources

4.1. Any material or energy source that cycles or can be replaced within a human life span. (plants, animals, sunlight, clouds)

5. Natural Resources

5.1. Materials or things that people use from the Earth.

6. Expotential Growth

6.1. Faster and Faster Rate (Increasing)

7. Non-Point Source Pollution

7.1. pollutants coming from a non/un - specific source. Therefore, we're all blamed for it.

7.2. Examples:Motor Oil, Soda Cans, Dog Wastes, Etc.

8. Point Source Pollution

8.1. Drains and sewers that lead directly into rivers and streams.

8.2. Comes from one specific source (identifyable)

8.3. Examples: Pipe, Storm Drains, Etc.

9. Secondary Succession

9.1. Occurs in an ecosystem when something has disturbed or destroyed the natural community.

10. Primary Succession

10.1. Occurs in places where an ecosystem has never existed.

11. Abiotic Factors

11.1. Not living, was never living, and will never be living

11.1.1. Fire

11.1.2. Glass

11.1.3. Sand

11.1.4. Rock

11.1.5. Temperature

11.1.6. Wind Direction

11.1.7. Elevation

12. Biotic Factors

12.1. Living ( has to reproduce), was living, or a part of something that was living

12.1.1. Frog

12.1.2. Moose

12.1.3. Cow

12.1.4. Salad

12.1.5. Plant

12.1.6. Corpse

12.1.7. Plant

12.1.8. Fish

13. Trophic Levels

13.1. Producers (Photosynthesis)

13.2. Primary Consumers

13.3. Secondary Consumers

13.4. Teritary Consumers

13.5. Decomposer

14. Food Web

14.1. Shows the many feeding relationships in an ecosystem.

15. Food Chain

15.1. Shows the sequence in which energy is transferred from one organism to the next as one eats the other.

16. Biomes

16.1. Rainforest

16.2. Tundra

16.3. Coniferous Forest

16.4. Desert

16.5. Freshwater

16.6. Marine

16.7. Grasslands / Savannah

16.8. Temperate Deciduous Forest

17. Wetlands

17.1. An area that's supplied with a high content of soil moisture, such as swamps.

18. Stormwater Runoff

18.1. Doesn't get put through any filtering process, it just leads straight into a lake, river, etc.

18.2. You can slow the flow by putting in a rain garden that could absorb a lot of water. (native plants)

19. Impermeable

19.1. Where the passage of water is either prevented or very slow.

20. Watershed

20.1. An area in which a community receives its supply of water. We live in the Delaware Basin Watershed.

21. Aquifer

21.1. An underground layer of either rock, sediment, or soil that yields water.

22. Water Pollution

22.1. An average american uses 140-160 gallons of water daily. (toilet, snk, dishwasher, etc)

22.2. The common sources: Phospeous,animal wastes, littering, chemicals down the drain, washing car on the stret, etc.

22.3. How to prevent it: No pollutants down the drain, don't leave pet waste, leave plant netive vegetation, grind up leaves and grass clipping for soil, wash car on lawn, etc.

23. Population Growth Rate

23.1. The speed in which the population is growing.

23.2. Highest: Africa, Lowest: Pitcairn Islands

24. Carrying Capacity

24.1. Maximum number of individual organisms of a species that an ecoystem can support.

24.2. The limiting factors keep a population from reaching its' carrying capacity.

25. Limiting Factors

25.1. Biotic and Abiotic factors that prevent the continous growth of a population.

25.2. Populations would just keep increasing, if it weren't for these.

25.3. Examples: climate change, disease, biodiversity, water, sunlight, oxygen, temperature, predators / prey, etc.

26. Pioneer Species

26.1. A hardy species that is one of the first to establish itself or the start of the process of succession.

27. Ecological Succession

27.1. A process in which the communities of an ecosystem change over time.

28. Biodiversity

28.1. The variety of organisms in a geographic area. This can provide humans with resources that can help things including nutrition, medicine, food, etc.

28.2. The more bio-diverse an ecosystem is, it's easier to resist and recover from disturbances.

29. Levels of Organizations

29.1. Organism

29.2. Population

29.3. Community

29.4. Ecosystem

29.5. Biome

30. Population Growth

30.1. The number of people your adding to the population.

30.2. Highest: China, Lowest: Pitcairn Islands

31. S - Curve

31.1. Reahes its' carrying capacity but then levels off.