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Browsers by Mind Map: Browsers

1. Define: Browser

1.1. A Web browser is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web.

2. Opera

2.1. Pros:

2.1.1. Lightweight and well built.

2.1.2. The download and program size is much smaller than internet explorer.

2.2. Cons:

2.2.1. Unable to connect to certain sites.

2.2.2. Some bugs in browser.

2.3. Sources:

3. Explorer

3.1. Pros:

3.1.1. Address bar provides auto complete.

3.1.2. Crash recovery.

3.2. Cons:

3.2.1. Supports only windows.

3.2.2. Lacking download manager.

3.3. Sources:

4. Safari

4.1. Pros:

4.1.1. Highlighted text area/input.

4.1.2. No borders on edges.

4.2. Cons:

4.2.1. Dragging bookmarks into new tabs deletes them.

4.2.2. Close button is on left side.

4.3. Sources:

5. Firefox

5.1. Pros:

5.1.1. Speed.

5.1.2. Security.

5.2. Cons:

5.2.1. Interrupted service.

5.2.2. Compatibility issues.

5.3. Sources:

6. Chrome

6.1. Pros:

6.1.1. All sites performed much faster.

6.1.2. Open source.

6.2. Cons:

6.2.1. No mouse gestures.

6.2.2. No synchronization.

6.3. Sources: