Practical Ideas to Make the World a Better Place_2G(1)

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Practical Ideas to Make the World a Better Place_2G(1) by Mind Map: Practical Ideas to Make the World a Better Place_2G(1)

1. Save the animals

2. Help the poor in Singapore

2.1. Ensure each individual acquires a skill to earn a living.

2.1.1. Community Centres or each constituency will approach the poor to go for training. Course fees are sponsored. cooking skills can work as a cook cutting hair

2.2. Teach them how to fish rather than providing them fish every day.

3. plant trees

3.1. to fresh the air.

3.1.1. No air pollution

3.2. sharpen eyesight

4. help old folks

4.1. by cleaning their house

4.2. help them by folding for them their clothes.

4.3. help them by making their house dust-free

4.3.1. vaccuming,mopping, sweeping, dusting

5. New node