Free Vacations Hawaii

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Free Vacations Hawaii by Mind Map: Free Vacations Hawaii

1. Apps

1.1. iPhone App

1.2. G1 App

2. Definitions

2.1. Quality Score

2.1.1. the basis for measuring the quality and relevance of your ads and determining your minimum CPC bid for Google and the search network.

2.2. ROI

2.2.1. Return on Investment

2.3. Ad Rank

2.3.1. how we determine an ad's position on the page

3. Lowest Prices

3.1. Unbeatable Wholesale Prices

4. All tours and rentals and activities in Hawaii (especially on Oahu)

5. See the 90 minute Vacation Club Promo - get $150 in activities as compensation

6. The Website

6.1. Beautiful!

6.2. Relevant!

6.3. Amazing!
