Sima & Corey Wish List 2011

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Sima & Corey Wish List 2011 by Mind Map: Sima & Corey Wish List 2011

1. Giving back

1.1. objects out of proportion

1.2. grungy or fairy tale stuff

1.3. dress and shape freely

1.4. create meditation places

1.4.1. in the work area

1.4.2. outside the work area

2. Wealth & Abundance

2.1. positioning slides in 3D space

2.2. credit scores +740 each

3. Continuing Education

3.1. Landmark Education

3.1.1. LF and all course work

3.1.2. Sima (LF) March 2011 - LA

3.2. Kabbalah

3.3. Buddaism

4. Our Relationship - Sima

4.1. be more patient

4.2. change stuff on the web using the icons

4.3. use visual clues such as images

4.4. refresh your mindmap here in-world

4.5. allow yourself to feel, do not only think!

4.5.1. ask others not only "what do you think" but also "what do you feel about it"

4.6. add real time data streams

4.6.1. such as Twitter

5. Kayla

5.1. fitness

5.2. Arts

5.3. School

5.4. Personal growth

5.5. Fun & Play

5.6. Dad

6. Future

6.1. Meet Sima's family

6.2. Meet Corey's family

6.3. Collect back due child support and restore integrity

7. Fun & Play

7.1. start out on 2D map

7.2. build 3D mind constellation

7.3. adapt 2D map

7.4. or reverse order

8. G-D & Spirituality

8.1. Personal growth

8.2. take pictures and use them eventually

8.3. work, walk around, meditate, work

9. Sima's Businesses

9.1. Author

9.2. Coaching & Training

9.3. Clothing line

9.4. Food & Nutrition

10. Health & Wellness

10.1. exploring how to use the brainstorm installation for making presentations

10.1.1. using screencasting Jing Screenr fraps

10.1.2. pictures

10.1.3. audio audioboo

10.1.4. texts

11. Travel & Trips

11.1. Israel - June 2011

11.2. Mexico trip 2011

11.3. New node

11.4. New node

12. Intimacy & Sex

12.1. New Breasts Dr Boris

12.2. New node

12.3. New node

12.4. New node

13. Family & Friends

14. Our Relationship - Corey

14.1. relocating

14.2. New node

14.3. New node

14.4. New node

15. Experiences to have

15.1. Watch a sunset together

15.2. Dance on the top of building under the moon - scream!