Does modern technology always improve the quality of people's lives?

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Does modern technology always improve the quality of people's lives? by Mind Map: Does modern technology always improve the quality of people's lives?

1. Improve

1.1. Relieves global hunger

1.1.1. GM food Creation of crop varieties

1.2. Brings about trade

1.2.1. Improved communications and transport More goods and services consumed

1.3. Offers alternative energy sources

1.3.1. Solar, wind, geothermal, water, nuclear Replace usage of fossil fuels that harm the environment and are limited

1.4. Raise life expectancy

1.4.1. Solve health problems Eg. American medical announced that it is possible to vaccinate against brain tumour and perhaps more cancers can be vaccinated in a similar way

1.4.2. Finding cheaper and effective medication for the poor

1.5. Hasten relief efforts

1.5.1. Improved communications and transport Natural disasters that occur in a country are immediately reported to the rest of the world. Other countries are able to provide aid swiftly

2. Worsen

2.1. Potentially harmful to health

2.1.1. GM food Eg. A soybean variety which had been engineered to resist a herbicede was withdrawn from sale after it was discovered that a brazil nut gene inserted into the soybean DNA caused an allergic reaction in perople allergic to nuts. Uncertain effects, only time can tell

2.2. Over reliance

2.2.1. The convenience has become so deeply entrenched in our lives that one day if we were robbed of these luxuries, we might find ourselves severly disabled Eg.Youth in Singapore are reportedly overly reliant on SMS and find it particularly crippling and difficult to contact friends and family without the use of a handphone.

2.3. War/terrorism

2.3.1. Easier for terrorists to plan, communicate and execute attacks Usage of image capturing devices to stake out targets Eg. Seized photos of Orchard MRT

2.3.2. Nuclear weapons Eg. Hiroshima and Nagasaki, massive loss of innocent civilian lives, effects of radiation ravaged the survivors and other generations

3. Conclusion

3.1. Modern technology does not always improve the quality of people's lives

3.1.1. However, the benefits it bring about greatly outweigh the costs In our quest for development, we have no choice but to embrace modern technology Technology has unundated our lives and radically changed the way we live so much so that its effects are now irreversible. Modern life will be greatly disrupted without the use of technology

4. Introduction

4.1. Definition

4.1.1. Quality of lives