Status Quo

Primary factors affecting both individual contributors' and work teams' transition from face-to-face meeting and work processes to virtual meetings and work processes that depend on remote collaboration. Feel free to use this map to guide your self-inquiry - and conversations with co-workers and clients, as well - as you begin exploring ways you want to use virtual meeting tools to save time and money - and also nourish crucial relationships - at a distance. If you need help facilitating a ...

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Status Quo by Mind Map: Status Quo

1. Your beliefs about doing your work

1.1. F2F

1.2. Remotely

2. Your preferred approach to learning and change

3. Your beliefs about your success

4. Your coworkers' and clients' beliefs about their success

5. Your coworkers' and clients' preferred approach to learning and change

6. Your skills

6.1. F2F

6.2. Remote communication

7. Your coworkers' and clients' beliefs about doing their work

7.1. F2F

7.2. Remotely

8. Your coworkers' and clients skills

8.1. F2F

8.2. Remote communication

9. (c) 2010 Meri Aaron Walker, [email protected]