Class 3: Beginning the Research Process (continued)

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Class 3: Beginning the Research Process (continued) by Mind Map: Class 3: Beginning the Research Process (continued)

1. Getting Background Information

1.1. Why?

1.1.1. Get a grasp on background, unfamiliar terms and concepts

1.1.2. Will help to determine scope

1.2. Where?

1.2.1. Internet

1.2.2. Books

1.2.3. Magazines/Journals

1.3. Tools for Finding Background Information

1.3.1. Google and other search engines

1.3.2. Library Online Catalog

1.3.3. Find a Database: Electronic Reference Sources

1.3.4. Hints for search success Keep your search broad Think of synonyms for your search concepts distance education OR virtual learning OR distance learning Focus on reference sources

2. Evaluation

2.1. Criteria

2.1.1. Authority/Author

2.1.2. Audience

2.1.3. Accuracy

2.1.4. Perspective

2.1.5. Purpose

2.1.6. Publisher

2.1.7. Date of Publication

2.1.8. Coverage/Content

2.1.9. Organization

2.1.10. Bibliography/Footnotes

2.1.11. Relevance to your need

2.2. Tools


2.2.2. Google Books

2.2.3. Book Reviews

2.2.4. Google the author