RICADV Site Architecture

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RICADV Site Architecture by Mind Map: RICADV Site Architecture

1. Home

1.1. Content

1.1.1. Advocacy section

1.1.2. Emergency info

1.1.3. Safety button Needs to be more prominent Interstitial? Tooltip?

1.1.4. Video Featured video Video callouts in module

1.1.5. Front page content

1.1.6. Features artice Features call out

2. About

2.1. Staff

2.1.1. Detail pages

2.2. History

2.3. Contact

2.3.1. Contact form

2.4. Directions

2.5. Board

2.5.1. Detail pages

2.6. Partners

2.6.1. Detail pages

3. Policy?

4. Campaigns

4.1. Videos

4.2. Teen Dating Violence

4.3. Men's Initiative

5. Resources

5.1. Statistics

5.2. Training

6. I am...

6.1. An Agency

6.1.1. key info and links for agencies

6.1.2. Relevant module

6.2. Looking for help

6.3. Educator

6.4. A Reporter

6.5. A Researcher

7. Call outs

7.1. Text alerts

7.2. Email updates

7.3. Donate

7.4. Register

7.5. Trainings

7.6. Events

7.7. Latest news

7.8. Video

8. Page Positions

8.1. Header

8.1.1. Logo

8.1.2. SocialStalker

8.1.3. EnEspanol/English

8.1.4. QuickEscapte

8.2. Navigation

8.2.1. Cascading

8.3. Left

8.4. Main content

8.5. Right

8.6. FeatureTop

8.7. FeatureBottom

9. Get involved

9.1. Volunteer

9.2. Teach

9.3. Donate

10. Media

10.1. Press releases

10.2. Press mentions

10.3. Video

10.4. Galleries