Love is the Killer App - Tim Sanders

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Love is the Killer App - Tim Sanders by Mind Map: Love is the Killer App - Tim Sanders

1. Your Knowledge

1.1. Clayton M.Christensen

1.1.1. Innovator's Dilemma

1.2. Reading & Dining

1.2.1. Magazine Articles - Between-meal snacks

1.2.2. News Media (electronic or print) - Candy & Soda, fun to eat, but hardly appropriate to live on

1.2.3. Books - the complete thought meal

1.3. Aggregation

1.3.1. Know which books to read

1.3.2. Focussed Keywords important to you

1.4. Encoding

1.4.1. Find MyPlace to read

1.4.2. Levenger

1.4.3. Cliff's Notes

1.5. Processing

1.5.1. Digest the information

1.5.2. Stop and think every 30 mins

1.5.3. Review the book

1.5.4. Describe the Big Thought

1.6. Application

1.6.1. Share the Knowledge

1.6.2. Give people relevant books

1.7. Phil Carpenter

1.7.1. eBrands

1.8. Malcolm Gladwell

1.8.1. The Tipping Point "ideas and products and messages and behaviours spread just like viruses do."

1.9. Emanuel Rosen

1.9.1. The Anatomy of Buzz

1.10. Kevin Davis

1.10.1. Getting Into Your Customer's Head "The traditional self-focussed selling approach is no longer effective because today's new buyers are unwilling to follow you. They don't want to be 'sold'. They want to make educated buying decisions. To make a sale, you must join them on their buying path."

1.11. Dalai Lama

1.11.1. The Art of Happiness "You don't have to be a god. Just stop hurting people."

1.12. Abraham Maslow

1.12.1. Towarda Psychology of Being

1.13. Gary Hamel

1.13.1. Leading the Revolution

1.14. Sergio Zyman & Scott Miller

1.14.1. Building Brandwidth

1.15. Lowell L. Bryan, Jeremy Oppenheim, Wilhelm Rall & Jane Fraser

1.15.1. Race for the World

1.16. Spencer Johnson

1.16.1. Who Moved my Cheese?

1.17. Dale Carnegie

1.17.1. How to Win Friends and Influence People

1.18. James C. Collins & Jerry I. Porras

1.18.1. Built to Last

1.19. Paco Underhill

1.19.1. Why People Buy

1.20. Ray Kurzweil

1.20.1. The Age of Spiritual Machines

1.21. Gail Evans

1.21.1. Play Like a Man, Win Like a Woman

1.22. Jack Trout & Steve Rivkin

1.22.1. Differentiate or Die

1.23. Adrian Slywotzky, David J. Morrison & Bob Andelman

1.23.1. The Profit Zone

1.24. Mackenzie Kyle

1.24.1. Making it Happen

2. Your Network

2.1. Collecting

2.1.1. Set up a system

2.1.2. Swap cards

2.1.3. Get organised

2.1.4. Input the details

2.1.5. Follow up

2.2. Connecting

2.2.1. Partners, Peers and Prospects

2.3. Disappearing

2.3.1. Don't be a Broker

2.4. Tom Peters

2.4.1. The Circle of Innovation

2.5. Allen Puckett

2.5.1. McKinsey Group "Personal University"

2.6. Kevin Kelly

2.6.1. New Rules for the New Economy

3. Your Compassion

3.1. There is a tremendous opportunity for your compassion to make a difference in how people view you, and how they view themselves.

3.2. Compassion creates commitment - which keeps you focussed on building your knowledge and network.

4. 10 Must-Read Books

4.1. B. Joseph Pine II & James H. Gilmore

4.1.1. The Experience Economy

4.2. Jesper Kunde

4.2.1. Corporate Religion

4.3. Clayton M.Christensen

4.3.1. The Innovator's Dilemma

4.4. Ram Charan

4.4.1. What the CEO wants you to know

4.5. Bill Jensen

4.5.1. Simplicity

4.6. Malcolm Gladwell

4.6.1. The Tipping Point

4.7. Tom Peters

4.7.1. The Circle of Innovation

4.8. Dalai Lama & Howard C. Cutler

4.8.1. The Art of Happiness

4.9. Leo Buscaglia

4.9.1. Love

4.10. Gary Hamel

4.10.1. Leading the Revolution

5. Praise For

5.1. Faith Popcorn

5.1.1. Founder of BrainReserve

5.1.2. Author of EVEolution

5.1.3. Author of Dictionary of the Future

5.2. Tom Kelley

5.2.1. Author of The Art of Innovation

5.3. John Ratzenberger

5.3.1. Actor

5.3.2. Founder Chairman of Big Red Tent

5.4. Michael Robertson

5.4.1. Chairman of

5.5. Pierre Gagnon

5.5.1. President and COO of Mitsubishi Motor Sales of America

5.6. Jim Notarnicola

5.6.1. Chief Marketing Officer of Blockbuster Inc

5.7. Jeff Rich

5.7.1. President and CEO of Affiliated Computer Services Inc

5.8. Dr Steven R. Covey

5.8.1. Author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

5.9. Philip C. McGraw, Ph.D

5.9.1. Author of Life Strategies: Doing What Works, Doing What Matters

5.10. Tom Peters

5.10.1. Author of In Search of Excellence

5.11. Seth Godin

5.11.1. Author of Permission Marketing

6. The Lovecat Way

6.1. Milton Mayeroff

6.1.1. On Caring "Love is the selfless promotion of the growth of the other."

6.2. Harry Beckwith

6.2.1. The Invisible Touch "Instead of thinking about value-added, thin about knowledge-added. What knowledge can you add to your service, or communicate about your service, that will make you more attractive to ... business partners and customers?"

6.3. Kevin Kelley

6.3.1. New Rules for the New Economy

6.4. Larry Downes & Chunka Mui

6.4.1. Unleashing the Killer App

6.5. David Stern

6.5.1. National Basketball Association Commissioner It's not completely important what people think about you - it is, however, totally imporatnt how they feel about you.

6.6. Mark Cuban

6.6.1. CEO

6.7. John Hagel & Arthur Armstrong

6.7.1. Net Gain

6.8. Adam M. Brandenburger, Barry J. Nalebuff & Ada Brandenberger

6.8.1. Co-opetition

6.9. Bill Gates

6.9.1. Microsoft "Sometimesthe lambs just have to lie down with the wolves."

6.10. John McKean

6.10.1. Information Masters

6.11. Tom Peters

6.11.1. "Be distinct or be extinct."

6.12. Duane Knapp

6.12.1. The Brand Mindset D.R.E.A.M.-Differentiation/Relevance/Esteem/Awareness/Mind's Eye

6.13. Joseph Pine & James Gilmore

6.13.1. The Experience Economy

6.14. Dr. Dre

6.14.1. "No more hard living, barbecues every day."

6.15. Seth Godin

6.15.1. Permission Marketing

6.16. Patricia Seybold


6.17. Sandra Vandermerwe

6.17.1. Customer Capitalism

6.18. Stanley Marcus

6.18.1. Minding the Store "Consumers are statistics, customers are people."


7.1. Nice Guys Don't Finish Last. They Rule!

7.2. Added Value - The Value with you inside a situation is greater than the value without you.

7.3. Metaphor - When we are born, we receive a fishing net ... some of us fill our nets with prizewinning fish, others let their nets languish and fall to the bottom of the ocean, stuffed only with the deadweight of old tires.

7.4. Without a network, knowledge is nearly useless. Knowledge is your power source, but relationship if your never centre. You get value from your knowledge, but it becomes real when you share it with your network

7.5. NSPS - Nice, Smart people succeed!

7.6. Dalai Lama "Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time."