9th grade physical science

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9th grade physical science by Mind Map: 9th grade physical science

1. standardized tests (MCA II)

1.1. data interpretation

1.2. ability to pick out important information

1.3. technical reading

1.4. motivation to do well

1.5. be able to answer scenario based questions

1.6. Answer higher order questions

1.6.1. predict, explain, hypothesis, give evidence for, relate, experiment

1.7. biology content

2. college entrance exams

2.1. data interpretation

2.2. technical reading

2.3. ability to recognize important information

3. my goals

3.1. see the relevance of science in life

3.2. see that science can be fun

3.3. realize ability to be successful in science

4. state standards

4.1. chemistry

4.1.1. matter conserved!

4.1.2. energy conserved!

4.2. physics

4.2.1. energy

4.2.2. motion

4.3. engineering

4.3.1. designs are dependent on values of society

4.4. "doing" science

4.4.1. successfully communicating ideas

4.4.2. reliability of data

4.4.3. unit consistancy

4.4.4. creating models- assessing their strengths and limitations

4.4.5. communicate justify and defend procedures

4.5. connections to other disciplines and society

4.5.1. science drives technology which drives science

4.6. physical systems

4.6.1. + and - to different system of generating energy

4.6.2. concept of whole different from sum of parts

4.6.3. system feedback

4.6.4. inputs and outputs, relationships to other systems

5. future science classes

5.1. how to ask questions

5.2. lab skills

5.3. dimensional analysis

5.4. awareness of units

5.5. cooperative learning

5.6. answer higher order questions

5.7. critical thinking and problem solving

6. life-future

6.1. skills to be lifelong learners

6.2. critical thinking

6.3. problem solving

6.4. responsibility

6.5. organization

6.6. time management

6.7. respect