Personal Information Management (PIM)

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Personal Information Management (PIM) by Mind Map: Personal Information Management  (PIM)

1. PIM Activities

1.1. Choosing processes for managing your information

1.2. Selecting software and services that support PIM

1.2.1. and choosing the tools you use to consume and create electronic information

1.3. Making your information findable

1.3.1. Organizing and tagging information

1.3.2. Indexing and retrieval (search)

1.3.3. Creating dashboards for access to your info

1.4. Making your information accessible

1.4.1. Synchronization

1.4.2. Migration and conversion

1.4.3. Sharing information with others

1.5. Saving information for future use

1.5.1. Information capture

1.5.2. Saving for future use (archiving)

1.6. Protecting your information

1.6.1. Back-up

1.6.2. Securing your information

2. What information are we talking about?

2.1. Research & Info Gathering


2.1.2. browsing history

2.1.3. notes

2.1.4. citations

2.1.5. information scraps

2.1.6. document archives

2.1.7. RSS feeds

2.2. Planning

2.2.1. tasks / to-do Lists

2.2.2. calendars

2.3. Communications

2.3.1. email

2.3.2. Chats

2.3.3. Voicemails

2.3.4. SMS/text messages

2.4. Other Files

2.4.1. documents presentations word processing spreadsheets

2.4.2. videos

2.4.3. pictures/images

2.4.4. music files

2.4.5. diagrams

2.4.6. podcasts

2.4.7. Health data

2.5. Organizing structures

2.5.1. folders

2.5.2. outlines

2.5.3. mindmaps

2.5.4. concept maps / topic maps

2.5.5. diagrams

2.5.6. dashboards

2.5.7. databases

2.5.8. timelines

2.5.9. tags / labels / keywords

2.6. Personal Data

2.6.1. passwords

2.6.2. health data

2.6.3. financial data

2.6.4. legal documents

2.7. Contacts / social networks

2.7.1. contact lists

2.7.2. friend lists

2.7.3. friend feeds (work/personal)

3. Related Topics

3.1. Personal organization

3.1.1. addressing clutter, anxiety over clutter

3.2. Personal productivity

3.2.1. "Getting things done"

3.3. PC / device setup / migration

3.4. Learning / Research / Writing

3.4.1. Learning / creating

3.5. Collaboration / Social Computing

3.5.1. getting things done with others

3.6. Content aggregation

3.6.1. one-stop shop for your digital info

3.7. Lifestreaming and Digital Scrapbooking

4. What questions are addressed here?

4.1. How to manage my personal research materials?

4.1.1. Personal Library


4.1.3. Snippets / Quotes / Images / Videos

4.1.4. Browsing history

4.1.5. Outlines

4.1.6. manuscripts in progress

4.1.7. Scanned information

4.2. How to manage my Digital Photos?

4.2.1. using image management software

4.2.2. retention / archiving / back-up

4.2.3. using photo sharing services

4.3. How to manage my music collection / library?

4.3.1. My digital music files. How do I effectively manage them. Over time. What about Rhapsody and other online music services "in the cloud"

4.3.2. At home

4.3.3. On the go

4.4. How to manage my Personal Records?

4.4.1. Financial records

4.4.2. Tax records

4.4.3. legal documents

4.4.4. Receipts

4.4.5. passwords

4.4.6. Contacts / contact information

4.4.7. other files?

4.5. How and when to use Cloud-based information services?

4.6. How to manage my email and correspondence?

4.7. How to manage my professional portfolio? and professional online presence

4.7.1. web site?

4.7.2. Linked-in site

4.7.3. finished product archiving

4.7.4. bibliography

4.7.5. "sales materials"

4.8. When and how best to share any of the above with others?

4.9. How to manage my calendar / events / appointments?

4.10. How to manage my budget, my finances, my bills?

4.11. How to access my information from multiple devices?

4.12. How to manage my to-do lists and my projects?

4.13. How to manage my multiple social networks?

4.14. How to manage all my passwords?

5. Why?

5.1. Get better use of your digital assets over time

5.2. Protect, preserve and ensure easy access to your information

5.3. Better personal productivity