nikki and shawn goals

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nikki and shawn goals by Mind Map: nikki and shawn goals

1. good place for kids to grow up

1.1. good schools

1.2. good neighborhood

2. be recognized/ accepted

3. kids

3.1. 2

3.2. 1st kid before 2013

4. have a yacht

5. be my own boss

6. live in a foreign country

7. pay off my student loans and debt

7.1. $60K

7.1.1. 5 years

8. create more opportunities

9. travel

9.1. western europe

9.2. eastern europe

9.3. go to world cup

9.4. go to manchu pichu

9.5. visit africa

9.6. visit thailand every 2 years

9.7. costa rica

9.8. hawaii

10. make lots of money

10.1. at least $10M in savings

10.2. make $1M a year

11. have a good lifestyle

12. married

12.1. by 2012