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Convention by Mind Map: Convention

1. Resources

1.1. Spaces

1.1.1. Exhibit Hall

1.1.2. Other Spaces

1.2. Volunteers

1.2.1. Smooth Operators

1.2.2. Inner Leadership Facils

1.3. Wizards / Venue

2. Ideas

2.1. Aesthetic elements

2.2. Gaming

2.3. Artistic engagement

2.4. Co-vision technology

2.5. Places for Story

2.5.1. Capture story for history

2.5.2. Multicultural Music

2.5.3. Story kiosks

2.5.4. Inter-generational

2.6. Conversations with Leadership

2.7. Building Community

2.8. Gallery

3. National Council

3.1. Business Items

3.1.1. Proposal Discussion Members identify & discuss Conversations that Matter

3.1.2. Stewardship Report Opportunity to weave story from 2005 convention

3.2. StoryWeaving

3.2.1. Common heartbeat

3.2.2. Include Inner Leadership elements Bring Leadership Inst

3.2.3. Native Storyteller

3.2.4. Raven / string story

3.2.5. Panel Discussions

4. Leadership Institute

4.1. Inner Leadership for Adults

5. Scheduled Meetings

6. StoryWeaving

6.1. Strategy Cafes

6.2. Open Spaces

6.3. GS StoryCorps

7. Questions

7.1. Things on wall?

7.2. How do we keep it uplifting?

7.3. Which elements can we integrate into Convention and which in larger initiative?

7.4. What do we do in case of tied down chairs?

8. Pre-Convention

8.1. Proposal Discussions

8.1.1. Everybody hears everybody

8.1.2. Conversations that Matter are known prior to Natl Council Session What are the issues and opportunities related to the Proposals? What other issues/opportunities matter to you?

8.1.3. Mechanisms Delegate Bulletin Board 2 Teleconferences Wiki

8.2. Weave story of our history

9. Goals

9.1. Share Story

9.2. Engage Girls

9.3. Conversations that Matter

9.4. Self-organized Action

9.5. Shared Movement

9.5.1. Members are the Movement

9.6. Intentionally shift the culture through ownership and dialogue