PATHS TO PEACE, Proposals to Resolve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

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PATHS TO PEACE, Proposals to Resolve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by Mind Map: PATHS TO PEACE, Proposals to Resolve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

1. Dan Gillerman

1.1. The conflict has been a litany of failures and missed opportunities. Now, "the future aint what it used to be."

1.2. We have a real chance of success this time around because, and only because, the Muslim leaders are now involved. The key to any solution is in the minds, hands and pockets of the Arab world.

1.3. They can see that the real danger to Muslims is from Muslims. Extremists have highjacked their religion.

2. Dr Hahan Ashrawi

2.1. We need third party intervention and engagement. This is not a bilateral issue.

2.2. We need an end to actions on the ground. Expansion of settlements, wall of annexation, checkpoints and seizures all undermine any talk of peace.

2.3. We need comprehensive action, not phases. We do not want a transitional approach, let's get straight to the point.

3. Efraim Halevy

3.1. At present there is no possibility of a peaceful solution. Any agreement that is made will be put 'on the shelf'.

3.1.1. New node

3.2. Before anything could be implemented we would need reunification of the West Bank and Gaza, a credible Palestinian security capability, and a consensus within Israel to support the action.

3.3. It is a major mistake that Israel has called for international help. It is ours and Palestine's task, we don't need anyone to micromanage.

4. Mustafa Barghouthi

4.1. Peace cannot be achieved unless a basic principle can be accepted; peace and settlement expansion cannot exist together.

4.2. In 1947, even in 1988, there was the possibility of a two state solution. Now the Palestinian territory does not exceed 11% of the region.

4.3. This cannot be called a state; the map resembles a map of South Africa during apartheid. It is apartheid, what else can we call it?

5. Yael Dayan

5.1. We need to break away from blame, we must not look to the past but start from where we are now.

5.2. I don't feel guilty about the Balfour declaration, the settlements or the Six Day War. But I am guilty that we (Israelis) as a country and government have not done the maximum to resolve this conflict. We cannot justify 40 years of occupation.

5.3. We thought before Oslo that we needed certain preconditions, now we don't have time. Terror will stop as a result of peace. It cannot be a precondition to a settlement, it's too late for that.

6. Sir Malcolm Rifkind

6.1. It's easy to be pessimistic but things have changed for the better. Israel has made peace with Egypt and Jordan. And most Palestinians and Israelis are committed to a two state solution. This would have been unheard of ten years ago.

6.2. How can we transform a period of stagnation into a possibility of hope? With leadership, trust and imagination.

6.3. I suggest looking to the example of Austria after WW2, when a treaty that granted them independence from Soviet Russia also secured their neutrality.