
Lab 6 Section 4 (ORN) Title : Charpter 7 Storage

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Storage by Mind Map: Storage

1. Flash Memory Storage

1.1. Solid State Drives

1.2. Memory Cards

1.3. USB Flash Drives

1.4. ExpressCard Modules

2. Optical Discs

2.1. Care of Optical Discs

2.2. Types of Optical Discs

2.3. CDs

2.4. Archive Discs and Picture CDs

2.5. DVDs and Blu-ray Discs

3. Putting It All Together

4. High-Tech Talk

4.1. Each Other

5. Technology Trailbrazers

6. Hard Disks

6.1. Characteristics of a Hard Disk

6.2. RAID

6.3. NAS

6.4. External and Removable Hard Disks

6.5. Miniature Hard Disks

6.6. Maintaining Data Stored on a Hard Disk

7. Cloud Storage

8. Other Types of Storage

8.1. Tape

8.2. Magnetic Stripe Cards and Smart Cards

8.3. Microfilm and Microfiche

8.4. Enterprise Storage

9. Chapter Summary

10. Companies on the Cutting EDGE

10.1. Seagate Technology

10.2. SanDisk Corporation