Front Matter - Alberta Social Studies POS

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Front Matter - Alberta Social Studies POS by Mind Map: Front Matter - Alberta Social Studies POS

1. Definition

1.1. study of people

1.1.1. relation to each other

1.1.2. relation to world

1.2. issues focused and inquiry-based

1.3. practical and ethical issues

1.4. interdisciplinary

1.4.1. geography

1.4.2. history

1.4.3. ecology

1.4.4. economics

1.4.5. philosphy

1.4.6. law

1.4.7. political science

1.4.8. social sciences

1.5. enable students to understand

1.5.1. who they are

1.5.2. what they want to become

1.5.3. what society they want to live in

2. Vision

2.1. nature of 21st century learner

2.2. citizenship and identity

2.3. multiple perspectives

2.3.1. Aboriginal

2.3.2. Francophone

2.4. diversity and respect for differences

2.5. promotes belonging and acceptance

2.6. pluralistic view shaped by multiple factors

2.6.1. culture

2.6.2. language

2.6.3. environment

2.6.4. gender

2.6.5. ideology

2.6.6. religion

2.6.7. spirituality

2.6.8. philosophy

3. Roles

3.1. values and attitudes

3.2. knowledge and understanding

3.3. skills and processes

3.4. engaged learners

3.5. responsible and active citizens

3.6. effect change in their society, community and world

4. New node