Tech tools in the classroom

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Tech tools in the classroom by Mind Map: Tech tools in the classroom

1. Googledocs

1.1. Group projects

1.2. Student essays for feedback

2. VoiceThread

2.1. My Favorite Poem

2.2. Personal narratives w/ photos

2.3. Book cover analysis

2.4. Photo analysis

3. Skype

3.1. Guest speakers

3.2. Conversations with other classes

4. YouTube

4.1. Film clips

4.2. Commercials analysis

4.3. Other video analyses

5. Wikis

5.1. Lesson plan ideas

5.2. Resources for students

6. Poll everywhere

6.1. Pre-unit, post-unit polls

6.2. Self-select reading groups

7. Facebook

7.1. Teacher page

7.1.1. Class photos

7.1.2. Assignment updates

7.1.3. Class questions/discussions

8. Story Bird

8.1. Children's novel writing

8.2. Team up with art class

9. Prezi

9.1. Unit introductions

9.2. Student presentations

10. Todays meet

10.1. Questions for guest speakers

10.2. Anonymous class discussions

11. Sporcle

11.1. Anticipatory set

11.2. Test reviews

11.3. After-test activity

12. Video projects

12.1. Option for group projects

12.2. Filmed presentations

13. Podcasts

13.1. Grammar Grater weekly listen

13.2. Grammar Grater project

13.3. My weekly updates for class

13.4. "This week in the news" assigns.


14.1. Student introductions

14.2. Book/play/story plots

14.3. Author biographies