system untis

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system untis by Mind Map: system untis

1. Application

1.1. Microsoft Office

1.1.1. 97,2000,xp,2003,2007,2010

1.2. Auto Cad,2000,2002,2005,2006 20007...

1.3. Solid Work,2006,2010..

2. processor

2.1. Control Processor

2.1.1. Multi‐core

2.1.2. Quad‐core

2.1.3. Dual‐core


3.1. DDR3

3.2. DDR2

3.3. DDR RAM

3.4. SD Ram

4. System Os

4.1. open source Os

4.1.1. Ubu

4.1.2. LINUX

4.2. Windows

4.2.1. Windows 3.1

4.2.2. Windows 95

4.2.3. Windows 98

4.2.4. Windows 2000,Pro,2000 Avance Sever

4.2.5. Windows xp,Home, Pro ,64 Bit

4.2.6. Windows Sever 2003,2008

4.2.7. Windows 7 ,Pro

4.3. Mac OS