Expo - Showcase of Power

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Expo - Showcase of Power by Mind Map: Expo - Showcase of Power

1. political

1.1. degree of political involvement

1.1.1. organization

1.1.2. institutionalisation

1.2. relations to involved countries

1.2.1. colonies

1.2.2. returned invitations

1.2.3. etc...

2. economical

2.1. expo organization costs

2.1.1. profit/loss

2.1.2. trademark buildings

2.1.3. expo buildings/halls

2.1.4. etc...

2.2. infrastructure

2.3. showcase:

2.3.1. current industrial level

2.3.2. technical achievements

2.3.3. goods (esp.: luxury ~; from colonies)

3. cultural

3.1. public interest

3.1.1. visitors

3.1.2. media coverage

3.2. entertainment

3.2.1. shows "others" (cultural superiority) spectacle

3.2.2. presentation of customs

3.3. architecture

3.3.1. expo buildings

3.3.2. pavillons

3.3.3. colony architecture