New Home Sales/Marketing AGent

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New Home Sales/Marketing AGent by Mind Map: New Home Sales/Marketing AGent

1. Qualifications

1.1. Licensced Real Estate Agent

1.2. Sales Experience

1.3. Ability to adapt to Set Schdule

1.4. Working Weekends

1.5. Transportation

1.6. Computer Skills

1.6.1. Excel

1.6.2. word

1.7. Writing Skills

2. Interview Process

2.1. Phone Interview

2.2. First Meeting

2.3. Second Meeting

2.4. Team Meeting

3. by Jeremy Erickson

4. Recruiting Procedure

4.1. Agent Referrals

4.2. Website applications

4.2.1. Online Application

4.2.2. preScreenSurvey

4.3. Email Marketing

4.4. Monster Posting

4.5. Craigslist Posting