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vygotsky by Mind Map: vygotsky

1. 4. Formal operational

1.1. reflective abilities

1.2. deductive reasoning

1.3. analogical reasoning

1.4. hypothetical reasoning

2. 2. Pre-operational

2.1. usage of symbolic functions

2.2. egocentrism

2.3. centration

2.4. inability to reverse operations

2.5. animism

2.6. transductive reasoning

3. social interactions

3.1. 1. Sensorimotor

3.1.1. Object permanence

3.2. 3. Concrete operational

3.2.1. de-centering

3.2.2. reversibility

3.2.3. seriation

3.2.4. classification

3.2.5. conservation

4. social interactions

5. scaffolds

6. vygotsky vs piaget

6.1. Vygotsky believed thar

7. zone of proximal development

8. scaffolding