25 Worst High-Tech Habits

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25 Worst High-Tech Habits by Mind Map: 25 Worst High-Tech Habits

1. Taking a Camera to the Beach

2. Leaving a Laptop in the Car

3. Keeping All of Your E-Mail

4. Failing to Learn Keyboard Shortcuts

5. Installing Too Much Junk

6. Discarding Receipts

7. Waiting in Line for Tech Stuff

8. Hitting Your Computer

9. Saving Files Anywhere and Everywhere

10. Posting Hilarious Pictures Online

11. Believing the Salesperson

12. Ignoring the Specs

13. http://bit.ly/bqcQ3i

14. The 25 Worst High-Tech Habits and How to Fix Them

15. Using One Password for Everything

16. Commenting Online

17. Failing to Lock Your Smartphone

18. Not Having a Disposable E-Mail Address

19. Checking in With Location-Based Services

20. Replying to Spam

21. Citing Wikipedia

22. Avoiding Security Software

23. Neglecting Offsite Backup

24. Failing to Back Up Your Computer

25. Traveling With an Operating Computer

26. Using a Laptop on a Bed

27. Printing Everything