Hybrid Curriculum Model: 2025

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Hybrid Curriculum Model: 2025 by Mind Map: Hybrid Curriculum Model: 2025

1. Why?

1.1. How Is This A Change?

1.1.1. Classes will focus predominantly on collaboration & molding caring citizens.

1.1.2. Students won't attend traditional school every day.

1.1.3. More opportunities for student-teacher collaboration

1.2. Prepare students to be well-rounded citizens, not just rote-memorizers.

1.3. Challenge students to "Be the change they wish to see in the world." ~Gandhi

1.4. Promote character building.

2. Logistics

2.1. Schedule

2.1.1. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday-- School Setting While in school, students will focus on collaborative assignments. Students will have opportunities to review course material at their own pace. Students can utilize collaborative work spaces to complete their project learning. Students can interact with their teachers, asking for aid and expanding their critical thinking.

2.1.2. Wednesday--Community Service Activities Students will be paired with community service organizations in the area for an entire year. Students will be asked to rank agencies based upon their interest level.

2.1.3. Friday--Collaboration with Sister School Using conferencing software, students will communicate and work with students in a sister school across the globe. Students will be tasked with solving real world global problems.

2.1.4. Students will report from 9am-2:30pm. The afternoon will be spent with students collaboration, working with their 1:1 devices, and accessing the content on their own pace.

2.2. School Year

2.2.1. Schools will use a balanced calendar.

2.3. Groups of Students

2.3.1. Students will be grouped into teams named after civic leaders.

2.3.2. Groups will have approximately thirty students. Each group will have three faculty team leaders. Students will be grouped by grade-level.

2.4. Staffing

2.4.1. Content specialists will be solicited from across the United States to provide distance education.

2.4.2. Team leaders will be responsible for their students academics and civic engagement.

2.4.3. In-Building teachers will oversee collaboration among students, community service, and sister school connections.

2.5. 1:1

2.5.1. This initiative allows students to learn academic content anywhere.

2.5.2. Students can access teacher podcasts, course materials, and projects.