WHAT's COGNITIVE in 2010 science?

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WHAT's COGNITIVE in 2010 science? by Mind Map: WHAT's COGNITIVE  in 2010 science?

1. Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age by Clay Shirky

2. Psychology

2.1. What Is Cognitive Psychology?

2.2. Cognitive psychology is the branch of psychology that studies mental processes including how people think, perceive, remember and learn. As part of the larger field of cognitive science, this branch of psychology is related to other disciplines including neuroscience, philosophy, and linguistics.

3. Sociology

3.1. Social mindscapes: an invitation to ... - Google Książki

4. Semiotics

4.1. Cognitive Semiotics

5. Coaching

5.1. YouTube - Your Brain at Work

6. Religion

6.1. intro

7. Cognitive surplus

8. Neuroscience

9. Archeology

9.1. Cognitive Archaeology - Cameron M. Smith, Ph.D. on Vimeo

10. Linguistics

10.1. About Cognitive Linguistics

10.2. Pragmatics

10.2.1. Cognitive Pragmatics: The Mental ... - Google Książki

10.3. Semantics

10.3.1. YouTube - Authors@Google: George Lakoff

10.4. Grammar

10.4.1. Cognitive grammar - Google Książki

10.4.2. Foundations of Cognitive Grammar ... - Google Książki

10.4.3. Grammar and conceptualization - Google Książki

10.4.4. Cognitive grammar: a basic introduction - Google Książki

10.5. Morphology

10.5.1. Cognitive Perspectives on Word Formation - Google Książki

10.6. Phonology

10.6.1. Introduction to Cognitive Phonology

10.7. Phonetics

10.7.1. Cognitive phonetics: a formal ... - Google Książki

11. Anthropology


12. art analysis

12.1. Poetics

12.1.1. Cognitive poetics: an introduction - Google Książki

12.1.2. Cognitive poetics: goals, gains and gaps - Google Książki

12.1.3. Cognitive poetics in practice - Google Książki

12.1.4. Toward a theory of cognitive poetics - Google Książki

12.2. Rhetoric

12.3. Stylistics

12.3.1. Cognitive stylistics: language and ... - Google Książki