How can digital technologies be implemented to ... increase achievement for all?

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How can digital technologies be implemented to ... increase achievement for all? by Mind Map: How can digital technologies be implemented to ... increase achievement for all?

1. Assessment as if learning mattered

2. Empowerment

2.1. Learners own experiences shared / valued

2.1.1. Blogs used to give work a wider audience

2.2. Learners as teachers

2.2.1. Students offering support / workshops for teachers as well as peers (e.g. tech angels)

2.2.2. Student voice Student input at conferences

2.3. Teacher as learners

2.3.1. Using technologies to support teachers

3. Focus - not the digital technologies but the learning

3.1. Shift in focus from content to metacognitive skills

3.2. Project based / applied learning not exams

3.3. Doesn't matter what the tool is, it is the learning that is enabled via a variety of access & ways of sharing / expressing that is important

4. Opportunities for enrichment

4.1. Adobe Captivate for self-directed study