Criminal Law

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Criminal Law by Mind Map: Criminal Law

1. Crimes Against Person

1.1. Homicide

1.1.1. Murder Types of Malice 5 Fingers of Death 1st Degree 2nd Degree

1.1.2. voluntary manslaughter

1.1.3. involuntary manslaughter

1.2. battery

1.3. assault

1.4. mayhem

1.5. false imprisonment

1.6. kidnapping

1.7. rape

1.8. bigamy

1.9. incest

2. Inchoate

2.1. solicitation

2.1.1. Defenses

2.2. attempt

2.2.1. Defenses

2.3. conspiracy

2.3.1. Defense

3. Defenses

3.1. responsibility

3.2. justification

3.3. entrapment

3.4. mistake

3.5. consent

3.6. condonation

4. Elements of Crimes

4.1. Voluntary

4.2. Mens Rea

4.2.1. Classification of Crimes

4.3. Concurrence

4.4. Causation

5. Against Property

5.1. Larceny

5.2. embezzlement

5.3. robbery

5.4. false pretenses

5.5. bad checks

5.6. credit card fraud

5.7. larceny by trick

5.8. extortion

5.9. stolen property

5.10. forgery

5.11. burglary

5.12. arson

6. Accomplice Liability

6.1. principal in the first degree

6.2. Principal in the second degree

6.3. accessory before the fact

6.4. accessory after the fact