My 2011 Peak Leadership Elements

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My 2011 Peak Leadership Elements by Mind Map: My 2011 Peak Leadership Elements

1. Relationships

1.1. Job Relationships

1.1.1. Jim Bagnola

1.1.2. Kimberly Rath

1.1.3. Doug Rath

1.1.4. Jorge Berrio

1.1.5. Felipe Gomez

1.1.6. Chip Conley

1.2. Personal

1.2.1. Lisa

1.2.2. Mama

1.2.3. Papa

1.2.4. Lina

1.2.5. Edgar

1.3. Roles

1.3.1. Partner Lisa

1.3.2. Teacher

1.3.3. Student

1.3.4. Son

1.3.5. Brother

1.3.6. Friend

1.3.7. Leader

2. Key Metrics

2.1. Growth

2.1.1. Did I ask Referrals

2.1.2. Retained Client

2.2. Planning

2.2.1. # of Employees

2.2.2. Annual Revenue

2.2.3. Budget Cycle Plan for 2011/2012

2.2.4. Fiscal Year

2.2.5. Annual Forecast Established on Salesforce?

2.3. Results

2.3.1. Performance Outcome Specialist Identified?

2.4. Clients

2.4.1. Met in person with client

2.4.2. Did I meet with the CEO?

2.5. Client Team

2.5.1. Identified right client team?

2.5.2. Did I Hold Client Team Meetings

2.5.3. Did I participate as a Client Lead Mentor?

2.5.4. Did I help develop client team members?

3. Values

3.1. Salud

3.2. Honesty

3.3. Innovative

3.4. Tenacity

3.5. Amor/Adventure

3.6. Knowledge

3.7. Excellence/PEAK

4. Are your Goals SMART?

4.1. Specific

4.2. Measurable

4.3. Achievable

4.4. Relevant

4.5. Time Specific

4.6. Habit

5. Dream 10 Years or more

5.1. Have a little condo by the beach

5.2. Travel with my dad to Butan