Advance Baton Rouge Twitter strategy

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Advance Baton Rouge Twitter strategy by Mind Map: Advance Baton Rouge Twitter strategy

1. Who to follow?

1.1. Baton Rouge twitter influentials (Twellow)

1.2. Charter school & ed industry leaders nationwide

1.3. Local politicians and community leaders

1.4. monitor keywords, e.g. "charter schools"

2. What to tweet?

2.1. success stories

2.1.1. favorable stats

2.1.2. student acievement

2.1.3. awards

2.1.4. new openings

2.1.5. legislative victories

2.2. public announcements

2.2.1. snow day, etc.

2.2.2. events

2.3. website content

2.4. links to resources for teachers, students & parents

2.5. answer negative PR from opponents

2.6. rich media: images, video

2.7. polls

2.8. @replies

2.8.1. answer questions, engage

2.9. Retweets (RTs)

2.9.1. recognize quality in other users

3. How to build followers?

3.1. @reply and RT influencers

3.2. publicize Twitter handle on website and in all marketing, advertising, PR channels online & offline

3.3. Talk it up!!

3.4. Get all staff, students and parents on board

3.4.1. set expectations

4. How to get RTs?

4.1. ask for them!

4.2. break news

4.3. link-bait titles: top 10 lists,

4.4. try to make 1 in 10 tweets go "viral"

5. How to measure success?

5.1. followers, follower growth

5.2. RT reach (HootSuite mgmt)

6. Goals

6.1. build broad local awareness for charter school concept

6.2. branding for ABR

6.3. PR message control / answer opponents

6.4. market research / community feedback

6.5. engage Baton Rouge education community & policy makers in measurable ways.

6.6. Turn Baton Rouge influentials into advocates

7. Tweet mix

7.1. at least 1 tweet per day

7.2. even mix of links, @replies, RTs

7.3. separate accounts for each school?

8. Getting started

8.1. handle (username)

8.2. branded background

8.3. profile description

8.4. team idntification

8.5. weekly planning meetings

9. Resources

9.1. Tweeple

9.2. HootSuite

9.3. Co-Tweet

10. CMO's on Twitter

10.1. Friendship