This is my mindmap of what I want to accomplish in this class

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TWC by Mind Map: TWC

1. Be patient in learning how the processes work

2. Gain Knowledge of the Course

3. Critical Thinking

3.1. Use information given to learn, think and communicate

3.2. Be creative throughout the course

4. Processes

4.1. Learn that there are many processes to a final draft

5. CRAP!

5.1. Contrast

5.1.1. Controls eyes

5.1.2. Focal points- primary and secondary

5.1.3. Color/Visuals (strong)

5.2. Repetition

5.2.1. Color, fonts, imgaes

5.2.2. Creates sophistication without confusion

5.2.3. Consistent labeling style

5.3. Alignment

5.3.1. helps keep everything looking neat and clean

5.4. Proximity

6. Fair use

6.1. For education purposes, you may use short clips or portions of a copyright

7. Characteristics

7.1. Become technologically oriented

7.2. Research

7.3. Design/ visuals

7.4. Understandable

8. Virtual Communities

8.1. Came from activist communities

8.2. 1980's

8.3. Common interests

8.4. Revolutionary

8.5. Social sites/ builds relationships

9. Social psychology

9.1. More laid back

9.2. No face to face interactions

9.2.1. Leads to poor etiquette

9.2.2. People speak(type) their mind

9.3. Socially isolated

10. Digital divide

10.1. No judgements

10.1.1. Race, class, orientation etc.

11. Social capital

11.1. Trust

12. Creative Commons

12.1. Allows some rights reserved

12.2. Copyright and CC go hand in hand and compliments one another

12.3. You can use someone's work with certain limitations with this creative commons license.

13. Copyright

13.1. You do not need a license to have a copyright

13.2. All rights reserved