Psychology Ch.11 - Intelligence

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Psychology Ch.11 - Intelligence by Mind Map: Psychology Ch.11 - Intelligence

1. What is Intelligence?

1.1. Learn from experience

1.2. Solve problems

1.3. Adapt to new situations

2. Creativity

2.1. Expertise

2.2. Imaginative thinking skills

2.3. Venturesome personality

2.4. Intrinsic motivation

3. Intelligence Tests

3.1. Types of Tests

3.1.1. Aptitude test

3.1.2. Achievement test

3.1.3. Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)

3.2. Assessing Tests

3.2.1. Standardization

3.2.2. Normal curve

3.2.3. Reliability

3.2.4. Validity

3.2.5. Criterion

4. Origins of Intelligence Testing

4.1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

4.2. Mental Age

4.3. Stanford-Binet test

5. Multiple Intelligences

5.1. Savant Syndrome

5.2. Social intelligence

5.3. Emotional Intelligence

6. Dynamics of Intelligence

6.1. Mental Retardation

6.2. Down Syndrome

7. Influences

7.1. Genetic

7.2. Environmental