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Earth Science by Mind Map: Earth Science

1. Natural Resources

1.1. Natural Resources

1.2. RenewableResources

1.3. Nonrenewable Resources

2. People & Resources

2.1. Conservation

2.1.1. Recycling

3. Renewable Resources

3.1. Living Things

3.1.1. Plants

3.2. Sunlight & Air

3.3. Water

3.3.1. The Water Cycle Condensation Precipitation Evaporation

4. Nonrenewable Resources

4.1. Rocks

4.2. Metals

4.2.1. Copper

4.2.2. Aluminum

4.2.3. Iron

4.3. Fossil Fuels

4.3.1. Coal

4.3.2. Natural Gas

4.3.3. Oil

4.4. Soil

4.4.1. Sandy

4.4.2. Clay

4.4.3. Loam