ESL Classroom Presentation

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ESL Classroom Presentation by Mind Map: ESL Classroom Presentation

1. Follow up activities

1.1. Biography research

1.2. Make your own class book

1.3. American Pie Reasearch

2. Assessment

2.1. Learner KWI

2.2. Self Assessment Form

2.3. Evaluation Forms

3. Classroom Management

3.1. Hardware

3.2. Instruction

3.3. Presentation schedule

3.4. Group planning form

4. Teacher

5. Topic: Presenting a song

6. Learners

7. Objectives

8. Sample Video

9. Online Resources

9.1. Lyrics

9.2. Google Docs

9.3. Audio

9.4. Presentation Skills 1

9.5. Presentation Skills 2

9.6. Effective ESL Classroom Presentations

9.7. File Converter

9.8. Powerpoint tutorial

10. Supplied Resources

10.1. PPT template

10.2. Cloze templates

10.3. Presentation tips

10.4. Teachers Sample Presentation

10.5. Students Guide to presentation