Optimal Online Learning Community

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Optimal Online Learning Community by Mind Map: Optimal Online Learning Community

1. (2) Cover Page

1.1. Optimal learning community for the Certificate and MS students enrolled on Online Teaching and Learning Courses

1.2. Authors

1.2.1. Lynn Frances

1.2.2. Loria Kutch

1.2.3. Janie Mah

1.2.4. Kevin Payne Chasse

1.3. Class/Instructor

1.3.1. EDUI 6707 History and Culture of Online Learning Communities

1.3.2. Dr. Datta Kaur Khalsa

2. (3) Main Objective: Increase learning acquisition

2.1. Collaboration

2.1.1. Sharing

2.1.2. Connecting with Members

2.1.3. Ice breakers

2.2. Group Identity

2.2.1. What is it?

2.2.2. Importance in building online community

2.2.3. How to foster Length of contact Participant disclosure/sharing Group collaboration Course Infrastructure Low cognative load

2.3. Diversity

2.3.1. Cultural

2.3.2. Age Generational Characteristics

2.4. Trust

2.4.1. Definition of Trust

2.4.2. Humor

2.4.3. Socialization

2.4.4. Building Trust Tips

2.4.5. Pseudonymity

3. (1) Start Here


3.1.1. Starting from the "Start Here" node, navigate the main topics clockwise, in numbered order.

3.1.2. Click on the small gray circles, like the one on this node, to see notes, attachments, links, and supporting references.

3.1.3. Click on plus (+) or minus (-) symbols at branch points to expand or collapse branches (Example: "References")

3.1.4. Use the plus (+) and minus (-) buttons at the lower right of the map to zoom in or out.

4. (8) References

4.1. Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST), Research & Development. (2010). What is universal design for learning? Retrieved from: http://www.cast.org/research/udl/index.html

4.2. Capponi, M., Nussbaum, M., Marshall, G., & Lagos, M. (2010). Pattern Discovery for the Design of Face-to-Face Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Activities. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 13(2), 40-52. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

4.3. Chlup, D. T., & Collins, T. E. (2010). Breaking the Ice: Using Ice- breakers and Re-energizers with Adult Learners. Adult Learning, 21(3/4), 34-39. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

4.4. Colvin Clark, R. (2008). Building expertise: cognitive methods for training and performance improvement. San Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer.

4.5. Conrad, D. (2008). From Community to Community of Practice: Exploring the Connection of Online Learners to Informal Learning in the Workplace. American Journal of Distance Education, 22(1), 3-23.

4.6. Deters, F., Cuthrell, K. Stapleton, J. 2010. Why wikis? Student perceptions of using wikis in online coursework. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. 6(1). http://jolt.merlot.org/vol6no1/deters_0310.htm.

4.7. Dittmann, M. (2005). Generational differences at work. A psychologist studies ways to help traditionalists, baby boomers, gen Xers and millennials work better together, despite their generational differences. Monitor, 36(6), 54. Retrieved from http://www.apa.org/monitor/jun05/generational.aspx.

4.8. Fisher, K, Phelps, R, & Ellis, A. (2000). Group processes online: teaching collaboration through collaborative processes. Educational Technology & Society, 3(3), retrieved from http://www.ifets.info/journals/3_3/f06.html, 2/2011.

4.9. Fryer, B. (2009). How do innovators think? Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from http://blogs.hbr.org/hbr/hbreditors/2009/09/how_do_innovators_think.html

4.10. Grohol, J. (2006) Anonymity and online community: identity matters. Retrieved on February 5, 2011 at http://www.alistapart.com/articles/identitymatters/

4.11. Hockly, J. (2010). Top ten moderator skills for 2010. http://www.emoderationskills.com/?p=66

4.12. Hoostein, E. Wearing Four Pairs of Shoes: The Roles of E-Learning Facilitators Retrieved on October 23, 2009 from http://www.astd.org/LC/2002/1002_hootstein.htm

4.13. Huang, J. S., Yang, S. H., Yueh-Min, H., & Hsiao, I. T. (2010). Social Learning Networks: Build Mobile Learning Networks Based on Collaborative Services. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 13(3), 78-92. Retrieved from EBSCOhost.

4.14. Hughes, G. (2007). Diversity, identity and belonging in e-learning communities: some theories and paradoxes. Teaching in Higher Education, 12(5-6), 709-720.

4.15. JARVELA, S., VOLET, S., & JARVENOJA, H. (2010). Research on Motivation in Collaborative Learning: Moving Beyond the Cognitive-Situative Divide and Combining Individual and Social Processes. Educational Psychologist, 45(1), 15-27. doi:10.1080/00461520903433539

4.16. James, D. (2004). A need for humor in online courses. College Teaching, 52(3), 93-94.

4.17. Job-Sluder, K, & Barab, S.A. (2004). Shared "we" and shared "they" indicators of group identity in online teacher professional development. In S.A., R Barab, Kling (Ed.), Designing for virtual communities in the service of learning (pp. 380). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

4.18. Kaplan, Soren. (n.d.). Strategies for Collaborative Learning. Retrieved from http://www.icohere.com/CollaborativeLearning.htm

4.19. Lo, M. and Clarke, M. (2010). Practicing or preaching? Teacher educators and student teachers appropriating new literacies. In Ed. Pullen, D. and Cole, D.(Eds.), Multiliteracies and technology enhanced education: social practice and the global classroom (p. 148). Hershey, New York: Information Science Reference

4.20. Loza, R.M. (2006). Cross cultural barriers: United States to Europe. University College, University of Denver.

4.21. Mayer, R.C., Davis J.H., Schoorman F.D. (1995) An integrative model of organizational trust. Academy of Management Review. 20(3), 709-734.

4.22. McInnerney, J. M., & Roberts, T. S. (2004). Online Learning: Social Interaction and the Creation of a Sense of Community. Educational Technology & Society, 7(3), p. 3.

4.23. Menchaca, M. P., & Bekele, T. (2008). Learner and instructor identified success factors in distance education. Distance Education, 29(3), 231-252. doi:10.1080/01587910802395771.

4.24. Paul, R., PHD and Elder, Linda, PHD (2006). The Art of Socratic Questioning. Retrieved on February 23, 2011 from http://www.criticalthinking.org/TGS_files/SocraticQuestioning2006.pdf, p.48.

4.25. Rovai, A.A.P. (2002). A preliminary look at the structural differences of higher education classroom communities in traditional and ALN courses. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 6(1), 41-42, 44-45, 51, 53, retrieved from http://www.whateverproductions.net/Rovai-1.pdf, 2/2011.

4.26. Shea, P., Li, C.S., Pickett, A. (2006). A study of teaching presence and student sense of learning community in fully online and web-enhanced college courses. Internet and Higher Education 9, 175-190.

4.27. Su, F., & Beaumont, C. (2010). Evaluating the use of a wiki for collaborative learning. Innovations in Education & Teaching International, 47(4), 417-431. doi:10.1080/14703297.2010.518428

4.28. Swan, K. (2002). Building learning communities in online courses: the importance of interaction. Education, Communication & Information, 2(1), 24-49.

4.29. Twigg, C. (2009). Using asynchronous learning in redesign: reaching and retaining the at-risk student. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 13(3), 147-155.

4.30. Wang, Y.D., and Emurian, H.H. An overview of online trust: Concepts, elements, and implications. Computers in Human Behavior, 21, 2005:105-125

4.31. Woo, Y., Reeves, T. C. (2008). Interaction in asynchronous web-based learning environments: strategies supported by educational research. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 12(3), 179-194.

4.32. Woods, R, & Ebersole, S. (2003). Becoming a "communal architect" in the online classroom - integrating cognitive and affective learning for maximum effect in web-based learning. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, VI(I), accessed from http://www.westga.edu/~distance/ojdla/spring61/woods61.htm, 2/2011

4.33. Ziv, A. (1988). Teaching and learning with humor: experiment and replication. The Journal of Experimental Education, 57(1), 5-15.

5. (4) Design details

5.1. Activities

5.1.1. Group Projects

5.1.2. Ice Breakers Group Identity-- Self-disclosure, establishing online presence

5.2. Online Community Tools

5.2.1. Asynchronous Discussion boards Blogs/wikis

5.2.2. Synchronous Synchronous Chats Conference Tools Roles

5.3. Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

5.4. Role of a Community Manager

5.4.1. 10 Moderator Skills by Hockly (2010)

6. (5) Future Research

6.1. Collaboration

6.2. Diversity

6.3. Group Identity

6.4. Trust

7. (6) Summary

8. (7) Conclusion