World is Flat-global economic playing field is being leveled

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World is Flat-global economic playing field is being leveled by Mind Map: World is Flat-global economic playing field is being leveled

1. while you were sleeping

1.1. 1492 globalization 1.0- countries going global

1.2. 1800 companies globalizing

1.3. present- globalization III- individuals globalizing and small groups- not white westerns

2. 10 days that flattened the world

2.1. 1989- Berlin wall came down then Windows operating system came out

2.2. 1995- Netscape went public; fiber active cable boom started

2.3. mid 1990s-work flow-software and standards-work collaboration

2.4. outsourcing

2.5. off shoring

2.6. open sourcing

2.7. supply chaining- Walmart

2.8. insourcing- UPS

2.9. informing-google, search

2.10. steriods-wireless, voice over internet, file sharing

3. converging

3.1. horzontalizing ourselves-adapt our processes to this new platform- who you connect and collaborate with

3.2. all 10 of the flatners converged to work together- global web enabled network

3.3. india, china, soviet union- enter the field