People spontaneously Revolt against governments when they are denied fundamental rights


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People spontaneously Revolt against governments when they are denied fundamental rights by Mind Map: People spontaneously Revolt against governments when they are denied fundamental rights

1. American

1.1. Declaration

1.2. Taxation without representation

1.2.1. tea party

1.3. Continental congress

2. North Africa

2.1. Tunisia

2.2. Egypt

2.3. Libya

3. Mexican

3.1. agrarian movement for more freedom

4. French

4.1. King Louis xvi

4.1.1. dollhouse

4.2. Versailles

4.2.1. Marie Antionette Gambaling and partying

4.3. food shortage

4.3.1. Deflation Womens march to versaille

5. Haitian

5.1. French colonised

5.2. Slavery

5.3. Mulattos becomes elites

6. Russian

6.1. Tsar Nicholas

6.2. Bolshevics

6.3. Lenin

6.4. Stalin