02/23 - Overview of Later Years Schooling

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02/23 - Overview of Later Years Schooling by Mind Map: 02/23 - Overview of Later Years  Schooling


1.1. Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank

1.2. Choose 3 best VCE/VET subjects

1.3. Must complete units 3 & 4 of English for score

2. VET

2.1. Vocational Education Training

2.2. VET subjects can count towards VCE Certificate

2.3. VET - Usually certificates

2.4. VET subjects must have an external exam to count towards ATAR score

3. School Based Apprenticeship

3.1. Can get ATAR score

3.2. Use VET, school and part time work training


4.1. Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning

4.2. Uses practical work experience

4.3. Includes VET subjects

4.4. Cannot get ATAR score

5. VCE

5.1. Victorian Certificate of Education

5.2. Year 11

5.2.1. Results get sent to VCAA

5.2.2. Get either S/N for each subject

5.3. SAC & SAT

5.3.1. School-Assessed Coursework

5.3.2. School-Assessed Tasks (Hands On)

5.3.3. Can count towards up to 2/3 of final marks

5.4. GAT

5.4.1. General Achievements Test

5.4.2. Does not count towards VCE or ATAR

5.4.3. Gives an indication of how you are going in a subject

6. JOURNAL - Overview of VELS/VCAL/VET