04/18 - Introduction to Middle Years

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04/18 - Introduction to Middle Years by Mind Map: 04/18 - Introduction to Middle  Years

1. Middle Years Student

1.1. Cognitively

1.1.1. Disconnected

1.1.2. Developing Ideas

1.1.3. Still Developing

1.2. Socially

1.2.1. External interests

1.2.2. Focus on being cool

1.3. Psychologically

1.3.1. Self Centered

1.3.2. Focus on opposite sex

1.3.3. Moody

1.3.4. Immaturity

1.4. Physically

1.4.1. Small

1.4.2. Hormones

1.4.3. Puberty

2. National Curriculum

2.1. Middle Years

2.1.1. Victoria and NSW doing more for middle years

2.2. ACARA Website

3. Pedagogy

3.1. Students are challenged to engage

3.2. Learning environment is supportive and productive

3.3. Teaching strategies cater for individuals interests

4. Neville Johnson

4.1. If the task we are doing is not for learning, why are we doing it?

5. Schools

5.1. Schools were forced to work together

5.2. Middle schools being formed

6. Engagement

6.1. Learner centered

6.2. Coherent curriculum

6.3. Interests and concerns of students

6.4. Emphasises self-directed and co-constructed learning

6.5. Lack of consensus about how it can be encouraged

6.6. Building student relations

6.7. Improving curriculum

7. General Notes

7.1. Explain what you mean in the portfolio

7.2. Explain engagement