Canadian Immigration


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Canadian Immigration by Mind Map: Canadian Immigration

1. Economic immigrants

1.1. Skilled Workers

1.1.1. Person must receive 67 points in a system designed to identify who is most fit to live in Canada as a successful citizen Point system is adjusted every couple of years by the government

1.2. Business class immigrants

1.2.1. Must show the willingness to make a significant financial contribution to Canada This can be done by establishing/buying a business, or making an investment that creates at least one job outside of their family Investment DEPENDS on where the business immigrant wishes to settle For example, a larger investment is needed in British Columbia than in PEI Must score 35 points under the point systems total in order to gain entrance into Canada

2. Interprovincial migration

2.1. When provinces gain migrants from other provinces, it is called in-migration

2.2. When other provinces lose population to other places in Canada that are elsewhere, it is called out-migration

3. Family Immigrants

3.1. Closely related persons of Canadian residents living in Canada

3.2. Both citizens and landed immigrants may be qualified for bringing family immigrants to Canada

3.3. Must be close relatives of resident

3.3.1. ie. Spouses, dependent children,parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, nephews and neices, &grandchildren.

3.4. Every family immigrant MUST be sponsored by a relative in Canada

3.4.1. Sponsor agrees to provide housing and other needs for immigrant for a maximum of ten years IF the immigrant falls under financial difficulty This is a risky task due to strict government rules and potential financial issues; therefore the number of family immigrants have reduced greatly over the years The length of the amount of time the sponsor may support the immigrant depends on the age and relationship of the sponsor

4. Refugees

4.1. People who are trying to escape persecution, torture, punishment, and even death in home country

4.1.1. All of these things may be threatening the individual due to their race, religion, nationality, political opinion, and/or membership in a social group

4.1.2. Number of refugees in Canada ranges from 24000 to 33000 in a typical year

4.2. One can apply to become a refugee while visiting, or within the country that they are in danger in

4.2.1. A special category of refugee is for victims suffering natural and/or human disasters, such as famines and wars

5. Canada must accept more immigrants in the future, for it's birthrate is low and needs immigration to boost the aging population

5.1. Also needs immigrant workers to replace the baby boomers that have begun to leave the work force

5.2. This is good for immigrants that want to live successful and new lives in Canada, a country full of new possibilities and opportunities

6. Push and Pull

6.1. Reasons that cause for a person to leave their country are called push factors

6.1.1. For example: War, Poor economic and educational opportunities, and absence of human rights may urge a person to move to Canada

6.2. Reasons that cause a person to stay in their country are called pull factors

6.2.1. Intervening obstacles may discourage a foreigner from immigrating to Canada

6.2.2. For example, immigrating to Canada may be too costly, the requirements of the Canadian government might not allow for them be legal immigrants, changes may be too unfamiliar, and the distance between the hometown of the individual and Canada may be too great