New Media & Community Building

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New Media & Community Building by Mind Map: New Media & Community Building

1. Define Your Content Mission

1.1. Content & Context

1.2. Pre Write Some Of Your Material

1.3. Define your content mission

1.4. Evernote

1.5. Explore Social Media Management Tools

1.6. Keep Track of Who's Posting

1.7. Instagram

2. Ways To Maximize Twitter

2.1. Complete Bio

2.2. Use your @ArtJones in signature block & everywhere

2.3. Tools

2.3.1. Hootsuite

2.3.2. Twitterific

2.3.3. TweetDeck

2.3.4. EchoFon

2.3.5. Ping

2.4. Tweet your passions

2.4.1. Hootlet

2.4.2. Follow thought leaders in your specialty area

2.4.3. Twitter Search

2.4.4. Follow a few top twitter users

2.4.5. Hash Tags

2.4.6. List

2.4.7. Favorites

2.4.8. Announce it at speaking engagements

3. Introductions

3.1. Welcome

3.1.1. Who am I Bio Certification The Process My Social Graph?

3.1.2. Art Jones Set Focus

3.2. YOU

3.2.1. Who

3.2.2. What

3.2.3. How

3.2.4. What's Your Goal For Today's Presentation

4. Social Graph

4.1. Power of the Social Graph

4.2. Twitter Grader

4.3. Twitter Grader

4.4. Twit Counter

4.5. Joining The Conversation

4.6. Why Tweet

4.6.1. Follow Me

4.7. Analytics

4.7.1. Visibli

4.7.2. Tap11

5. Strategies

5.1. Business Plan

5.1.1. Vision Mission Short & Long Term Goals

5.2. Marketing Research

5.2.1. Marketing Strategy

5.3. Detailed Specification of WHAT TO DO

5.3.1. METRICS - What Happens

5.4. Repeat

6. Know This

6.1. Branding

6.1.1. Brand Ambassadors

6.2. 22 Immutable Laws of Mktg

6.2.1. The Book

6.3. Brand Authenticity


8. Analysis

8.1. Any Volunteers

8.1.1. Website Grader

8.1.2. Website Grader

8.1.3. Website Grader

9. Created by: @ArtJones @Jesaros