Noir Film

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Noir Film by Mind Map: Noir Film

1. Typical Plots

1.1. Crime

1.2. violence

1.3. rape/ sex

1.4. theft

1.4.1. scarlet street - kitty steals from chris

1.5. romance

1.5.1. thelma jordan - affair affairs

1.5.2. detective and madeleine- strong bond

1.5.3. thelma and assistant - become close

1.5.4. scarlet street - kitty & johnny, kitty & chris

1.6. wealth/money

1.6.1. scarlet street

1.7. envy

1.7.1. thelma jordon - cleve is jealous because he thinks thelma still has feelings for her husband

1.8. murder

1.8.1. scarlet street - chris

1.8.2. two women (carlotta and madeleine) suicide in the same building (bell tower)

1.8.3. flashback at the beginning of the story. Of dead man laying dead in pool.

1.8.4. thelma's aunt found murdered

1.9. ''sunset boulevard'' - main plot.

1.10. vertigo-pschological, thriller, romance and murder

2. Technical Codes & conventions

2.1. extreme high/low angles

2.2. extreme use of lighting

2.2.1. shadows

2.2.2. darkness

2.3. black & white film stock

2.4. mise en scene

2.4.1. limited settings

3. Narrative conventions

3.1. complex

3.1.1. non linear

3.2. voice over

3.2.1. (narrator)

3.3. flashbacks/flashforwards

4. Characters

4.1. Femme fatale

4.1.1. 'sunset boulevard' women are sly.

4.1.2. scarlet street - kitty

4.1.3. vertigo

4.1.4. thelma leads cleve on

4.2. Victim

4.2.1. scarlet street - kitty & chris

4.3. Crime fighters

4.3.1. detectives detective john

4.3.2. vigilantes

4.3.3. police

4.4. Hero

4.4.1. The good woman

4.5. Heroine

4.6. psychologically derranged

4.6.1. the two characters (vertigo)


5.1. noir films over 50 years ago

5.2. usually in black and white

5.3. Romance, Comedy, Horror

5.4. noir films has its unique style of making a film