Winter School 2019

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Winter School 2019 por Mind Map: Winter School 2019

1. Who we are

1.1. Co-op Education Centre

1.1.1. Co-op members (27)

1.1.2. Educational Staff (52) 41 Teachers 3 Volunteers 8 Administration and services

1.1.3. 600 full time students Upper secondary Bachillerato Vocational education and training Practice-oriented higher education programmes AP Travel Agency and Event Management AP Business and Finance AP Dietetics

1.1.4. History & Values

2. What for?

2.1. Inspir-Action through innovative business models

2.2. Exchange of ideas and values

2.3. Exchange of cultural differences

2.4. Know successful companies in enterprise networking

2.5. Improve international business communication skills

3. How?

3.1. Company visits

3.1.1. Start Ups

3.1.2. Online businesses

3.1.3. Co-ops

3.1.4. NGO's

3.1.5. The Green Ray

3.1.6. Innovation Center

3.1.7. Andalucia Lab

3.1.8. Algaba de Ronda

3.2. Cultural visits

3.2.1. A Walk Through Malaga's History

3.2.2. Málaga marinera

3.2.3. Málaga Picassiana

3.2.4. Students AP Travel Agency & Events Management

3.3. Lectures

3.3.1. Design Thinking

3.3.2. Social Economy

3.3.3. Fundación Escuela Andaluza de Economía Social

3.3.4. DANIA

3.4. Workshops

3.4.1. Cultural differences

3.4.2. Spanish language

3.4.3. Values, customs and traditions

3.4.4. Mediterranean cooking classes

3.4.5. Fundación Alonso Quijano

3.4.6. Recrea

3.4.7. Laboratorio de sabores

4. Why?

4.1. Learning with an added value: interculturality

4.2. Personal and social competences

4.3. Promote the 3C's

4.3.1. Curiosity

4.3.2. Critical thinking

4.3.3. Creativity

4.4. Students not only adapt to change but create a change in themselves

5. Thank you and Enjoy!!!