Encourage driving experience for beer lovers using web services

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Encourage driving experience for beer lovers using web services por Mind Map: Encourage driving experience for beer lovers using web services

1. flows of migration : https://books.google.fr/books?id=3rQ0CwAAQBAJ&pg=PT168&lpg=PT168&dq=mobility+in+cinematography&source=bl&ots=O3DGngCdxb&sig=D_WicPlCe7dZY3dz-oQOzrBf370&hl=fr&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwip9_3RkbjeAhWiyoUKHchPBuAQ6AEwBHoECAMQAQ#v=onepage&q=mobility%20in%20cinematography&f=false

2. history

2.1. A brief history of tech mobility : http://www.baselinemag.com/c/a/Mobile-and-Wireless/A-Brief-History-of-Mobility-122428

2.2. Others informations about the history of tech mobility New Tech Mobility, LLC history and purpose

2.3. Driving experience and crash history

3. Application that sets you a custom "bar crawl"

3.1. What to Look for in Personalization Technology for 2018 | Evergage

4. cinematography

4.1. movement and mobility of cameras : Part 3: Cinematography – Film Analysis

4.2. 9 Mind-Blowing Technologies Changing The Film Industry’s Future : 9 Mind-Blowing Technologies Changing The Film Industry’s Future

5. Autonomous vehicle: Resources

5.1. Find the informations about the Autonomous car

5.2. Explanatory video of autonomous vehicle

5.3. dashboard autonomous vehicle

5.3.1. image

5.3.2. image

6. Somes exemples for drivers safety

6.1. The Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety (DADSS)

6.1.1. DADSS | Frequently Asked Questions

7. Car that has an integrated alcohol test and gives solutions to the driver if he drank too much

7.1. Airbnb API : Locations de vacances, logements, expériences et lieux - Airbnb

7.2. Uber API : Developers | Uber

7.3. How to locate your user : https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/native-hardware/user-location/

8. art/design

8.1. Mobility through the eyes of an artist : https://www.theverge.com/2018/1/26/16929274/design-self-driving-derrick-adams-artist

8.2. Intelligent Mobility Design Centre (IMDC) at Royal college of art : Intelligent Mobility Design Centre

8.3. Breaking barriers: on class and social mobility in arts and culture : https://www.artscouncil.org.uk/blog/breaking-barriers-class-and-social-mobility-arts-and-culture

9. sociology

9.1. Social mobility

9.2. - horizontal and vertical mobility - absolute and relative mobility - intra/inter generational mobility - structural and individual mobility

9.3. Types of social mobility : http://www.sociologyguide.com/social-mobility/types-of-mobility.php

10. geography

10.1. HOW THE INTERNET SHOULD INCREASE GEOGRAPHIC MOBILITY : How the Internet Should Increase Geographic Mobility

10.2. Why geographic mobility matters : https://www.strategy-business.com/blog/Why-Geographic-Mobility-Matters?gko=6d951

10.3. Migration and mobility : Migration & Mobility - EU Global Strategy - European Commission

11. Benchmarking

11.1. Taxi-robot which can drive without a driver

11.2. Drunk driving, anti-start-up required, if the rate is too high

11.3. Good Angel: Connected ethylotest