Orange api billing data publishing

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Orange api billing data publishing por Mind Map: Orange api billing data publishing

1. SMS requst - without sender name ==================== SMS request does not have post paid and pre paid So Bad debt not applied for the SMS Also percentage rate type not applied due to no charge amount in the Json body

1.1. Login to manage-service as admin

1.1.1. Create Rate card Add rate name, Description, Currency Rate type select

2. SMS requst - with sender name ==================== SMS request does not have post paid and pre paid So Bad debt not applied for the SMS Also percentage rate type not applied due to no charge amount in the Json body

2.1. Login to manage-service as admin

2.1.1. Create Rate card Add rate name, Description, Currency Rate type select

3. Payment charge without purchasecategory code

3.1. Login to manage-service as admin

3.1.1. Create Rate card Add rate name, Description, Currency Rate type select

4. Payment charge with purchasecategory code

4.1. Login to manage-service as admin

4.1.1. Create Rate card Add rate name, Description, Currency Rate type select