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Hinduism por Mind Map: Hinduism

1. Learning

2. No founder

3. Philosophy/Way of Life

4. Western Influences

5. Workplace learning

6. Knowledge of World

7. Knowledge of Self

8. Guru/Student

9. Developmental Stages

10. Valued Traits

11. Koshas (sheaths)

12. Yoga

13. Multiple perspectives

14. Freedom and diversity of religious belief

15. Tolerance

16. Kama

17. Moksha

18. Human development

19. Scientific Inquiry

20. Social Organization

21. Worldly Ambitions

22. Experiential vs. empirical

23. Introspection

24. Self-Study

25. Ascension from ego-centric to socio-centric to cosmo-centric

26. Workplace Stress Management

27. Motivation

28. Justice/Karma

29. Vedas

30. Student

31. householder

32. Hermit

33. Alsman

34. Studious

35. Disciplined

36. Humble

37. Even-tempered

38. Trusting in Hindu Doctrine

39. bodily

40. vita/breath

41. mental

42. intellectual

43. bliss

44. Way of life/path

45. Ashtanga yoga

46. Mortal Happiness

47. Eternal Happiness

48. Yoga

49. Meditation

50. Stages of life

51. Goals of life

52. Master of Fate

53. Oral Tradition

54. Release from Life

55. True identity

56. 8 steps to ascend from the koshas

57. Evolving/multiple perspectves

58. Union with Divine

59. Connection to Humanity

60. Personal Growth