The Alchemy of Entrepreneurship - Diagram

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The Alchemy of Entrepreneurship - Diagram por Mind Map: The Alchemy of Entrepreneurship - Diagram

1. Psychological Attributes

1.1. Need for achievement

1.2. Optimism

1.3. Overconfidence

1.4. Risk-taking Propensity

2. Diversity of Paths to Ownership

2.1. Being Brought in by Existing Owners.

2.2. Purchasing a Firm

2.3. Inheriting a Firm

2.4. Being Promoted by Existing Owners

2.5. Starting a Firm

3. Heritability

4. Psychological Types

4.1. The Personal Achiever

4.2. The Real Manager

4.3. The Expert Idea Generator

4.4. The Empathic Salesman

5. Biosocial Factors

5.1. Biological Factors

5.2. Social Factors

5.3. Environmental Factors

6. Entrepreneurial Skills

7. Successful Entrepreneur

8. Successfull Entrepreneurial Activities