Intro Mindmap for Section 921

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Intro Mindmap for Section 921 por Mind Map: Intro Mindmap for Section 921

1. 2) Learning ends when you leave the classroom

1.1. - In reality, most learnings happen outside the classroom - There are so many valuable things you can't learn from the textbook (Ex. Interpersonal skills, teambuilding skills, etc.)

2. New node

3. Most Dangerous:

4. The most dangerous:

5. Group 112

5.1. Most Dangerous:

5.1.1. "There is a very clear, single path to success" There is a great trend nowadays for kids to go through school and university to ensure their success and secure a job with a high salary. It becomes like a conveyer belt mechanism where people aren't experiencing and going to school to learn, but just to use an education as a stepping stone.

5.1.2. "What the book says is always true" Opinions may be biased depending on who writes it With new technologies, field developments, different edition, books may become out of date quickly.

5.2. Least Dangerous

5.2.1. New node

6. Group 115

6.1. Most dangerous

6.1.1. "The people in charge have all the answers": this is how the hierarchy ensues in any company, where buearucracy and corruption can be formed. People stop thinking; allow others to think for them

6.2. Not as dangerous

6.2.1. Standardized tests measure your value: in a sense, it true that a form of standardized testing is what keeps all the tests fair

6.2.2. Days off are always more fun than sitting in the class room: though the materials explored in classrooms are important, days off do provide opportunities for individuals to explore their own interests at their own paces

6.2.3. "Behaving yourself is as important as getting good marks." Being able to behave yourself is like having discipline and is linked to your mindset of "getting good marks". Your perspective and attitude reflects how well you do in school.

7. Group 118

7.1. Dangerous: behaving as important as good marks; it is actually not that directly related because shrinking into a hole defeats the purpose of challenging ideas; Dangerous: #5 One track to success limits one's choices/opportunities/POV. Good grades don't translate into "success".

7.2. Not dangerous: Having Standard test, it is efficient, improvements can be incorporating other performance metrics

7.3. Dangerous: 7). Standardized tests measure your value.

8. Group 116

8.1. Most Dangerous

8.1.1. "Learning ends when you leave the classroom." The classroom is only a little box in a big world, it doesn't have all the answers.

8.2. Not as Dangerous

8.2.1. "Days off are always more fun than sitting in the classroom." It's not always a bad thing to think of days off as more fun; sometimes we just think of them being a break from what we normally do.

8.2.2. "Behaving yourself is as important as getting good marks." It may be dangerous but at least it has the potential to teach people "time and place" for their comments.

9. Group 117

9.1. Most Dangerous

9.1.1. what the book says is always ture the fact or the society is changing all the time, we can not always follow the books. The most dangerous is: what the book says is always true. This can be dangerous for many reasons: 1) stifles creativity, 2) imposes a blind trust system, 3) demands complete and unquestioning obedience, and 4) implies that there is punishment involved for believing otherwise. Moreover, it can be dangerous in that false information or misleading information can deceive entire nations and societies. It can shape culture falsely.

9.2. Not as Dangerous

9.2.1. 7. Standardized tests measure your value New node as everyone is different from each other, tests actually are not fair. However, it can be a comparetive rule to measure. The society does need a rule to evaluate.

9.2.2. 8. Days off are always more fun than sitting in the classroom.

10. Group 120

10.1. Not as Dangerous

10.1.1. 6) Behaving yourself is as important as getting good marks - The statement is true, but neither are actually important

10.1.2. 8) Days off are always more fun than sitting in the classroom - There's nothing wrong with having more fun on a day off; it's not dangerous and it motivates you - There is a question on the word "always"

11. Group 114

11.1. The most dangerous one is "what books say is always true." This stifles innovation in a time when entrepreneurship and creativity are so heavily relied upon.

11.2. Not As Dangerous: 1). Days off are always more fun than sitting in the classroom.

11.2.1. Reason:

11.3. not as dangerous: 2) standar

12. Group 113

12.1. Most Dangerous

12.1.1. 7. Standardized tests measure your value -fails to acknowledge the fact that people are not standardized

12.2. Least Dangerous

12.2.1. 2. Learning ends when you leave the classroom- one eventually experiences and understands that this is not true (i.e. street smarts, learning by doing etc.)

13. New node

14. New node

14.1. New node

15. Group 119

15.1. Not As Dangerous: 1) Days off are always more fun than sitting in the classroom. 2) Learning ends when you leave the classroom

15.1.1. Why: 1) It is not always to think that days off are more fun since in this way students would have more motivation to get more study done in school days so that they could enjoy the days off.

15.2. Dangerous: The people in charge have all the answers

15.2.1. Why: The people in charge, politicians and corporate leaders have answers to issues that we dont, they have control of secret information that determines the economy

15.3. Not as dangerous: 1. test scores, 2. people in charge has all the answers. by the time test scores start becoming " important " we will realize that being an all around student is much more important than simply test scores. As for the latter, through the years we will find that nobody is perfect.

15.4. New node

16. Group 111

16.1. Most Dangerous

16.1.1. #7 - Standardized tests measure your value

16.2. Not As Dangerous

16.2.1. #8 - Days off are always more fun than sitting in the classroom

16.2.2. #6 -

17. New node

18. New node

19. New node

20. New node

21. Days off are always more fun than sitting in the classroom

21.1. Balanced lifestyle is needed

21.2. If you're learning something about your passion, then it's more fun than sitting around

22. There is a very clear, single path to success

22.1. This limits creativity

23. New node

23.1. New node

24. Group 101

24.1. Most Dangerous

24.1.1. Learning ends when you leave the classroom.

24.1.2. A large part of creativity and innovation is that extra work and interest that you put in yourself, as well as being able to adapt to changes in your own time.

24.1.3. There is a clear, single path to success.

24.2. Least Dangerous

24.2.1. Behaving yourself is as important as getting good marks

25. Group 102

25.1. Most Dangerous

25.1.1. Learning ends when you leave the classroom What we learn in classroom is very limited, this essentially boxes people's mind making them unable to interact and learn about their environment, decreasing innovation and makes people unaware of surrounding information.

25.2. Least Dangerous

25.2.1. The purpose of your education is your future career Most people learn to find a purpose of their lives at a certain stage. They will be able to learn that education and career is not always related in a form that it is education is needed for successful career.

25.2.2. Behaving yourself is as important as getting good marks New node New node

26. Group 103

26.1. Most dangerous:

26.1.1. There is a very clear, single path to success There are many examples of people who didn't attend or finish post secondary education that became successful. There are other ways to become successful. Ex: learning a trade, etc.

26.2. Least Dangerous

26.2.1. Days off are always more fun than sitting in the classroom. self-explanatory :-]

26.2.2. The purpose of your education is your future career The purpose of attending school is to further your education in order to obtain a well paying job. Why else would someone pay money to go to school then?

27. Group 106

27.1. Most Dangerous

27.1.1. There is a very clear, single path to success This limits creativity People have different definition of what success is

27.2. Not as Dangerous

27.2.1. What the books say is always true Books provide a foundation for knowledge, but it doesn't provide the WHOLE story. It's up to you to figure out what you need

27.2.2. Days off are always more fun than sitting in the classroom People learning about their passion will find it fun in the classroom

28. Group 108

28.1. Most Dangerous

28.1.1. 7. Standardized tests measure your value There are many different methods to measure value and the more methods you limit, such as only looking at standardized exams, the more worse off everyone will be.

28.2. Least Dangerous

28.2.1. 6. Behaving yourself is as important as getting good marks Behaving yourself is being able to express yourself. Without some good marks and a bit of an education, you may lose opportunities to express yourself in the future.

28.2.2. 5. There is a very clear, single path to success This is self correcting. Taking one path can actually lead to forks in the road later. Beyond this, you may actually find success by following this single path and deviating eventually.

29. Group 109

29.1. Not as Dangerous

29.1.1. Days off are always more fun than sitting in the classroom Some may learn from different experiences occurring outside the classroom. Interacting with other people, environment, and society outside the classroom and school presents something that is beyond what the lectures teach. Experiences from our days off can be something outside the box.

29.1.2. Behaving yourself is as important as getting good marks Pretending to be someone whom we are not hinders our unique abilities and traits from shining brightly. Since we do our best when we do what is ours, behaving ourselves (with strong morals and virtues) is just as important as being successful academically.

29.2. Most Dangerous

29.2.1. There is a very clear, single path to success Life is not a question with a single answer; it has multiple answers. In believing this, people may limit themselves to a one-track way of trying to achieve success and may not explore ideas as fully.

30. Group 110

30.1. Less dangerous

30.1.1. Behaving yourself is as important as getting good marks This statement is open to interpretation and depends on the context. If this statement were completely disregarded, people might ignore their core values in pursuit of their goals, harming their character in the long run. The ends do not always justify the means. For example, a student might choose to plagiarize their final paper in order to get good marks, whereas the 'well-behaved' student might suffer because they were honest in their work.

30.1.2. Days off are always more fun than sitting in the classroom If you were to live by this principle, you would not necessarily fall into some kind of 'trap'. You need a balance of hard work and play; that is, have times for intense thought and mental and physical exertion and rest periods in order to improve.

30.2. Most Dangerous

30.2.1. The people in charge have all the answers With the rise of technology and the internet, everyone can have access to information. Therefore, anyone can possess and discover the answers to the questions of the world. Also, giving power to a very select few can stifle creativity.

30.2.2. There is a very, clear single path to success e.g. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates dropped out of college and proceeded to develop their ideas and built multi-billion dollar businesses. Their ideas stemmed from own discovery and curiosity rather than the traditional path of learning

31. Group 107


31.1.1. 5. There is a very clear, single path to success. - Makes you prone to doing things you don't like doing - Brainwashed to think it's the only way to do things


31.2.1. 8. Days off are always more fun than sitting in the classroom. - People are more and more understanding that if you follow your interests, your job is like your days off

31.2.2. 6. Behaving yourself is as important as getting good marks. - Not really dangerous as everyone should behave themselves - Will lead to less problems in society

32. Group 105

32.1. Least Dangerous

32.1.1. Days off are always more fun than sitting in the classroom

32.1.2. The purpose of your education is your future career

32.2. Most Dangerous

32.2.1. Behaving yourself is as important as getting good grades

33. New node

34. Group 104

34.1. Most Dangerous

34.1.1. Learning ends when you leave the classroom Learning is a lifelong process that is not restricted to simply the education we receive in school. We should keep an open mind and continue beyond the classroom.

34.2. Least Dangerous

34.2.1. Days off are always more fun than sitting in the classroom You can't always enjoy everything that you learn in the classroom. Despite enjoyable in-class activities, activities outside the classroom are usually more novel.

35. New node