Georgia Lyn Young Communications Major with Organizational Leadership Concentration (B.A.)

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Georgia Lyn Young Communications Major with Organizational Leadership Concentration (B.A.) por Mind Map: Georgia Lyn Young Communications Major with Organizational Leadership Concentration (B.A.)

1. People

1.1. Professor Shields was the one who received me into the communication department and encouraged me in changing my major.

1.1.1. Dr. Snowden was a professor at UNG who shaped the way I view communication as a tool of listening and taking time to hear others, instead of just talking. Dr. Rachel Hughes environmental science professor was very influential in me staying at UNG

2. Books

2.1. "The power of Yes!" - Abbie Headon

2.2. "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership"-John C. Maxwell

2.3. Communication Between Cultures -Samovar, L., Porter, R., McDaniel, E., & Roy, C.

3. Articles

3.1. Seven Transformations of Leadership

3.1.1. Effective Communication Communication: concepts, practices, and challenges


4.1. "Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know." -Jim Rohn

4.1.1. "The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." -George Bernard Shaw

4.1.2. "The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives." -Tony Robbins

5. Experiences

5.1. Moving from a private college to a public and staying with the same degree of Communication showed me how diverse and applicably this degree can be and how I truly enjoyed the type of people it attracts and how I would enjoy it all thorough my education years.

5.1.1. Having professors that cared and classmates that took time to do things outside of class showed me that I was in the right place. After knowing that I wanted to change the world I found that through communication that truly is possible because without talk and no talk at all nothing is possible so for me a girl who wants to change the world this was all I could see myself doing.